Friday, July 3, 2009


For one reason or another, I decided this would be a good idea. I suppose it will be a nice place for me to spout about music and pretty things.

So, because it's only appropriate (given the title), Black Tambourine make the first appearance here.

I recently purchased this 7", and have completely fallen in love all over again. The guy who sold it to me had been a friend of Pam's years ago, and had talked with them about putting an album of theirs someday (he is apparently the owner of Silver Girl records). Inside the sleeve I found a little letter tucked away, written on the back of old photos she had found. Anyways, they haven't left my stereo since (although I have made a little room for The Amps - I have been getting really excited for this).

Complete Recordings

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with your blog!
    Please come to mine-
